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Browsing Tag: Fur baby

Santa Paws

Merry Christmas from my Furry best friend! He and Santa Paws want to wish you a Merry Woofmas…

Pumpkin Spice + Dog Outfit

Happy PSL release day! Yes, I’ve been counting down to today. The PSL released today at Starbucks and of course, I am thrilled. And, of course, I picked one up before work this morning. Dunkin’ releleased theirs last week, but nothing comes close to the original PSL. So, I wanted to share the perfect outfit for picking up a PSL. There are two things I definitely love in life: pumpkin spice lattes… and Remus. Look at that handsome boy. Who couldn’t love that fluff?! This shirt combines my two loves… and it came…

I Just Want to Pet Dogs & Drink Pumpkin Spice Lattes

It’s here! PSL has officially launched at Starbucks. Pumpkin spice has been out at Dunkin and other local coffee shops, but the original is BACK as of today! I found the perfect shirt for PSL release date… so of course Remus joined me for a little photo shoot. This shirt was made for me. I think it’s so cute and quirky. Such a fun little shirt. I walked into Starbucks this morning with this shirt, and the barista said, “I guess you want a pumpkin spice latte.” Why yes, yes I do. I…

Harkness Edwards Halloween Party

I’ve been to Harkness Edwards Vineyards in Winchester a few times now, and I fall in love with it every time I’m there. It’s the cutest little place with a great view and delicious wine, and the owners are so warm and friendly. They reached out to me to ask if I wanted to help host a Halloween party at the vineyard, and my heart jumped for joy. I invited a few influencers and close friends, and we had a blast trying out the wines and taking pictures. Whole Foods provided food for snacks…

Make Fetch Happen With New Toys From Chuckit!

When I brought Remus home, I didn’t know what I was getting into. My friend Brooke let me know she knew someone who had a puppy, and they were trying to find a home for him. I’d been dreaming of the day I could become a dog mom, and the pictures she sent me were so adorable. I knew the moment I saw him in person that he was going to be mine forever (I’ll leave some links at the bottom of the post where you can check out some sweet baby pictures of…

Christmas (Cards) in July // Basic Invite Stationery

Writing has always been a passion of mine. I started blogging because I missed writing for pleasure. It’s one of the few things I am very passionate about and truly enjoy. I think I’m one of the few people that still really enjoys sending and receiving snail mail. Basic Invite has a really nice line of stationery, which makes snail mail so much more fun. I’ve partnered with them to share some of my favorite stationery options. I love the color selections of their stationery. They offer 180 different color options and 40 different…

Remus’ First Gotcha Day

A year ago, I made a life changing decision. I’ve never had the urge to be a mom, unless it was to a furry little creature with four legs and a tail. I’ve always known being a dog mom is my true calling. My friend Brooke knew I’d been thinking about getting a puppy, and she told me she knew of someone giving one away. They’d found him on the side of the road on New Year’s Eve, and had taken him in. I sent the lady a message, and…

Evans Orchard with Remus 2017

A couple of weeks ago, Remus and I went to Evans Orchard. I go every year, and I was very excited to take him this year! We took a little walk through the apple trees. We matched in our fox shirts. I picked the cutest little pumpkin in the patch. We snuggled up in some plaid flannel. I think he enjoyed himself! It ended up being a little warmer than expected, but he loved running around and sniffing all the new smells! I definitely can’t wait to make this a yearly tradition. Photo Credit: Hannah Simpkins More posts…