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Browsing Tag: halloween earrings

Halloween Sweater Dress + OTK Boots

Halloween is ALMOST here, and I’m so excited. It’s my favorite day of the year (if you’ve been here a while you already know that. If you’re new here, hi and welcome!). 2020 is making Halloween less… thrilling this year, but I’m still excited for it (even if it’s just me hanging out with Remus in our Halloween pajamas at home). There are still fun ways to celebrate, including dressing for Halloween. This Halloween dress and OTK boot combo is perfect for making it feel like Halloween…

Fall Outfit Featuring Nightmare Before Christmas Leggings + a Halloween Purse

The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my favorite movies. It’s so fun for Halloween. Lularoe released some previous collections featuring NBC, and I snagged some. I pulled them back out this year for a simple Fall outfit. I paired these fun patterned leggings with a basic grey tank I’ve been loving this summer. It ties in the front, which I think is really cute. I wanted to really accent the leggings, so a simple grey shirt seemed like a good choice. The real star of this outfit is the purse. I think it’s…