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Browsing Tag: homemade

Doggy bowties and bandanas

    I’ve collaborated with my friend Kyla to show off some super cute doggy bandanas and bowties. I asked her to make these for me for Remus, because of course he needs to be extra cute all the time, and I love having him festive for holidays (these particular ones are Halloween themed). She’s created a post showing how she made these, so be sure to check her site out here!     First is a ghost bowtie. I love that it just slides onto his collar. Remus looks so handsome and dapper. Since the…

Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer Recipe

I was sent this coffee by Shuffle Bean in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own. Fall is so close I can feel it. Pumpkin flavors are officially out in stores and coffee shops nationwide, and that makes me a very happy girl. Fall is my favorite, and I am very basic when it comes to my love of pumpkin. Pumpkin coffees can get expensive. It comes in K-cups, ground coffee, creamer, and many different coffee shop concoctions. I’ve teamed up with Shuffle Bean Coffee to bring you a recipe for a creamer you can…