Project Pan has become a big trend on Tik Tok, but it’s been around for years. I’m working on my own Project Pan in 2025 to use up some products that I love and make sure I’m getting the most out of them…
Lipsticks are one of my favorite makeup items. I love a neutral eye with a pop of color on the lips, or a bold eye look with a neutral lip. I also love a bold eye look with a colorful lip, or a neutral eye look with a neutral lip shade. My friend Priyanka and I (check out her beauty blog here) challenged ourselves in Feburary to share one lippie a day on Tik Tok. It was fun, challenging, and successful, and I thought I’d share them here also. I tried to include multiple brands, formulas, finishes, shades…
Fall is almost here. Seriously, we’re under a week away. If you’ve been here a while, you know Fall is my favorite. If you’re new here, hi! Be ready to see a TON of Fall content. The weather is cooling down here in Kentucky, and my little heart is ready to come alive. Makeup is one of my passions, and Fall is really my time to shine with beauty knowledge (I am not an expert by any means, but happy to share what I know about what I love!). I’m sharing 10…
I can’t believe it’s already July! That means it’s already time for a 2019 Project Pan update! And y’all, it’s a good one. Last year at this time, I was stressing. I had barely completed any of my panning goals. But this year, I have a TON of progress, and that makes me so happy! If you want to see my intro post, check it out here! Let’s start with the items I’ve panned or finished. I finished two primers completely: the NYX Hydra Touch primer…
This post is coming pretty late. I know, I know, it’s almost March. But better late than never, right? If you don’t know what project panning is, check out my 2018 Project Pan. It was my first year of panning, and I loved it. I took these pictures in January, and I’ve been working on panning these products the entire year, but I’m just now sharing them (fun fact: I’ve already finished or hit pan on some products!). I’m including two eyeliners in my project this year. The…
My mornings are usually very hectic. I am not at all a morning person, and I usually wait until the last possible second to get out of bed (sometimes later than the last possible second). I have to drag myself out of bed, and then I generally take my time getting ready, and end up rushing my makeup. I used to take my time with my makeup, and do my full face routine daily. After a certain point, though, it became tiresome and I realized I love sleep more than I love looking glamorous for people who don’t…
Lately my life has been about everything Fall. One thing I’ve been extremely excited for is the return of cranberry lips. They pair well with my fair skin, and I must admit, I’m obsessed. I’m so happy that this has become a Fall trend, and I hope it sticks around! Have you been looking for the perfect shade of wine for your lips? Maybe some of these will help! All but one are drugstore, so they should be fairly easy to find! Wet N Wild Silk Finish Lipstick Shade: Dark Wine Milani Color…