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Category: Random Ramblings

30 Before 30 – My New Year’s Resolution Alternatives

30 is creeping up on me. I turned 28 in September, and it really has me thinking. My friend Jess started a 30 before 30 plan this year, and I thought it was a really good idea. Instead of creating New Year’s Resolutions this year, I’ve created my own 30 Before 30 list. I’ve come up with 30 items I want to check off before I’m 30. Some of these items are on my basic bucket list, and some are just things I would like to do. 1. Travel to Europe This…

Bloagaversary Year 1

Well y’all, it’s been one year since my first blog post was published. Saturday was my 1 year blogaversary. I wanted to share my blogging experiences. I saw a quote the other day that said, “One year from now you will wish you would have started on your dream today.” It was perfect timing, as I’d already been thinking about what I wanted to say in this post. It’s been a year, and I’m glad I started chasing this. A year ago I took the plunge and published…

5 Little Things You Can Do to Make a Positive Impact

So, y’all, it’s time to get serious. There is a lot of negativity right now. There is a lot of cruelty and hatred in this world, and there is a lot of devastation. I have some friends and family and former coworkers down in Houston and my heart is hurting for them. I wanted to share a few things you can do to add some positivity and light to this world. These are some small things that add to things you already do daily. They may not make a huge impact, but they’re little…

Birthday Wishlist

Last year I published my my wishlist before my birthday, and I figured I would make it a yearly tradition. My birthday is one month from today, and I can’t wait! Obviously I don’t expect a bunch of presents, but it’s a fun way to show things I’ve had my eye on. I’d rather spend time with someone than receive a present – to me that’s much more meaningful. This year I’m spending my birthday in Nashville, and I’m really excited! Casserole Dish Carrier…

My bucket list

Hey y’all. I’m going to do a little get to know me series. I wanted to start out with something really fun: my bucket list. Bottle feed a bear cub Visit Harry Potter World Do the Henry VIII castle and burial tour Spend Halloween in Sleepy Hollow Spend Halloween in Salem Ride the London Eye Go on another mission trip Visit every MLB park Travel to every state in the US Decorate a planner for every week of the year See the Eiffel Tower Add a lock to the Love Lock Bridge in Paris See a…

Pool Day Essentials

This weekend was beautiful. Well, Saturday was. I spent the morning volunteering with some girls from my small group. The afternoon was so pretty, so I headed to the pool. I’ve teamed up with a few Etsy shops to show you my pool bag essentials – and they’re so fun! First, a cute bathing suit is of course necessary. I picked this one up at Old Navy last year. I love the scalloped edges – it adds a fun and classy look to this suit – check out similar ones from Target *here (this one comes…

Prosecco Punch Lemonade Recipe & Blogger Brunch

Hey y’all! If you follow me on Instagram (and if you don’t, you can here) you may have seen my posts about a blogger brunch I attended a couple of weekends ago at The Barn at Springhouse. Y’ALL. It was so gorgeous and perfect and Pinterest-worthy. The bloggers that joined up for the brunch are all sharing some inspiration that they contributed to the brunch today. I’m going to be sharing the recipe for the lemonade I created, along with some photos from the brunch. Check out the bottom of…

Life update and new blog look!

Hey y’all. I’ve been taking a little bit of a blogging break… yes, again. I wanted to do a quick little update for a little bit of an explanation. July held my one year blogaversary! Now, I haven’t posted anything on it yet. Because, I only purchased my domain in July. It took me until September to actually post. So I will be officially celebrating in September, because that’s when I feel things really started. This year… I redid my blog! In case you haven’t noticed, my blog has a new look! Along with that…

Target Fall Dollar Spot Haul

Target always gets me into trouble, especially the Dollar Spot. I recently went in before a Lexington blogger meetup. I wanted to grab a notepad for the meetup, so I could give out my blog information and get others’ information. Of course I found a cute notepad… along with a few other things. In case y’all haven’t seen any other posts from me, Halloween is my favorite day of the year. So… Target Dollar Spot AND Halloween? Trouble. My wallet was screaming for help. I didn’t purchase everything I found, because…

The Best Money Making Apps (plus some money saving apps and websites!)

Who doesn’t love a little extra money? I know I do. What’s even better than free money? Receiving free money for items you’re already purchasing. There are many apps that pay you to shop. That’s right, they send you free money for items you’re already going to purchase anyway. I’ve been using some apps for a while that send you money, either by check or through Paypal or Venmo services. These are all tested apps that I have received money for, and can personally recommend. Ebates Click…